How to Over Come Infertility

Overcoming infertility

By Tola 

Infertility is like grieving for something you’ve never had, for lost hopes and dreams. It is a very lonely place.
Why is she not getting pregnant? Look at Mrs. X, we got married at the same time and she is already having two kids.
The pain of infertility or childlessness is best expressed by a couple that have longed for years for a baby of their own, but have been unable due to infertility. According to Moji, a 32 years old wife that has been married now for seven years without any baby, “Infertility is like grieving for something you’ve never had, for lost hopes and dreams. It is a very lonely place.”
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse or the inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth.
When couples are faced with this kind of problem, it is always embarrassing and in most cases they don’t know why. However, scientifically, we know that three things – the eggs, sperm and a tube – must be present and be in good condition for pregnancy to occur. When a man deposits the sperm into the virginal of a woman, it passes through a tube to the womb where the eggs are. They unite and begin to grow. This means that If there are no eggs or sperm or if any one of them it not good, there will be no pregnancy. Also, if there s a problem with the tube through which they would pass, no pregnancy will occur.
This lays the foundation for our understanding of infertility problem. So basically, anything that may affect the quality of the sperm or eggs or that may not allow free access of the sperm through the tube is a cause of infertility and this can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as past illnesses, bacterial infection, poor hygiene, abortion infection, post delivery infection, gonorrhoea or other sexually transmitted diseases that damaged the reproductive system. Genetics, physiology, lifestyle, environment and age may also play a role. In many cases, there is no clear cause.
However, couples with infertility problem who want to start a family may boost their odds by visiting a good fertility clinic for medication, surgery or treatments using assisted reproductive technology (ART).
Recent data-driven analysis of ART results on women under 35 years of age found that the chance of a success depends on the centre, which suggests that the better the quality of the clinic, the better the chances of success.

Alakofa Tola is the Head of Research at

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