Owami  and Olewethu Siza Mzazi Twins Married to one Husband from Uganda.

interview by:BITTERSWEET

Did you have different boyfriends or did you only have him?

We have never dated before, unfortunately our husband is our first.

How did that happen?

We didn't grow up like other kids, we grew up going to church and always  indoors, it also wasn't that difficult to marry the same person, because it was actually our wish,

when our grandmother tells us our childhood she would say, when she gave us apple we would both take it and share it, we liked sharing.

You share everything?

yes, without our parents telling us that we had to share, it was in our blood.

And he told you that he loved you both, he didn't approach one of you first?


He sat you down and said, 'I love you.?


Just like that?

yes like that.

And then, what did you say, "we love you too"?

we told him that we are not ready and asked him to please give us sometime.

when he comes back from work how do you sleep?

She has her bedroom and i have mine, wherever our husbands wants to sleep he is welcome,
we don't lay down the rules, he is the one who is supposed to lay down the rules of the house.

When he comes home and say, " Owami"? i know that he is going to Owami's bedroom.

But what if he wants to go to Owami for the whole week without going to Olewethu?

He doesn't do that

So he alternates ?

Yes he alternates.

Every night?

Every night.

Do you have children?

Yes we have children

One each?

Yes one each.

Are they the same age?

Yes they are two months apart.

You got pregnant same time?

Yes and we went to the same clinic at the same time.

Where you accompanying each other?

Yes we did, when she had to go we will go same time and vis visa.

Who rides in the front seat of the car, these things sounds minor, but if only one of you always sit at the front seat all the time with it be a problem?


So what do you do?

Well sometimes, he will be in the back seat and we will both be in the front, and i'll drive, but  if he is taking us out the we alternate.

Before went to the break i said i want to talk about what happens in the bedroom, do you sometimes find yourselves in the same bedroom with him at the same time?

Yes it does happen sometimes, but it is not a regular thing.

 Do you make that decisions or does he?

It depends on the mood.

Ok, what do you do with financial issues?

I keep my husband's money.

Oh, keep the money, why?

Because i did accounting so i can balance everything. even when he gives me R1000 and says it's for emergencies.

Let me say what if he fights with one  you and says, i don't want her anymore, what are you going to say?

He always asks us that same question but my answer to him is, 'if you say you couldn't manage my sister how are you going to handle me because remember me and her have always been together since the womb.

How old is he?

He is 50-years-old.

And you? 

We are 25-years-old.

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