The thought process of selecting a logical choice from the available options. When trying to make a good decision, a person must weight the positives and negatives of each option, and consider all the alternatives.
Ultimately facing the crowd alone requires you to ascertain the risks involved in executing your big idea by making effective decisions.
"Effective decision making is defined here as the process through which alternatives are selected and then managed through implementation to achieve business objectives. 'Effective decisions result from a systematic process, with clearly defined elements, that is handled in a distinct sequence of steps' [Drucker, 1967].Effective individuals do not make a great many decisions. They concentrate on what is important. They try to make the few important decisions on the highest level of conceptual understanding. They try to find the constants in a situation, to think through what is strategic and generic rather than to “solve problems.” They are, therefore, not overly impressed by speed in decision making; rather, they consider virtuosity in manipulating a great many variables a symptom of sloppy thinking. They want to know what the decision is all about and what the underlying realities are which it has to satisfy. They want impact rather than technique. And they want to be sound rather than clever.
You must be able to use your, intuition and sense of reasoning to make an effective decision. Reasoning is using the facts and figures in front of you to make decisions while Intuition is a perfectly acceptable means of making a decision, although it is generally more appropriate when the decision is of a simple nature or needs to be made quickly.
Effective individuals know when a decision has to be based on principle and when it should be made pragmatically, on the merits of the case. They know the trickiest decision is that between the right and the wrong compromise, and they have learned to tell one from the other. They know that the most time-consuming step in the process is not making the decision but putting it into effect. Unless a decision has degenerated into work, it is not a decision; it is at best a good intention. This means that, while the effective decision itself is based on the highest level of conceptual understanding, the action commitment should be as close as possible to the capacities of the people who have to carry it out. Above all, effective individuals know that decision making has its own systematic process and its own clearly defined elements.
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