How To Know You’re Ready To Be An Entrepreneur

Are you feeling an itch to test your prowess as an entrepreneur? Do you think it’s time to get to some self-medication for this entrepreneurial fever? Don’t! There is no magic pill that catapults you from your office cubicle to the members-only entrepreneurs island. Your success lies in a tiny mustard seed that needs to be nurtured. It’s the streak of hope that your crazy idea might just work. It is the glimmering light that tells you that you can make it.

Starting a business means you’re opening up to possibilities between immeasurable success and catastrophic failure. The difference between the two can leave you indecisive. There may not be a set time or perfect recipe to starting your business. However, there are hints to let you know that possess the qualities to be a successful entrepreneur.

Unsatisfactory work…
Your present job no longer fulfills you like in the good old days. Instead it drains your energy and sucks life out of you like a vampire. Or it could be that you’re stuck under the heels of a Devil wears Prada boss barking orders at you here and there. When you stop getting fulfilled by your work, your work efficiency and productivity goes down. Beware though, a few bad days doesn’t guarantee that you are ready to walk down the entrepreneurial road


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