RELATIONSHIPS MATTERS : Fostering loving Relationships. A sociological factor to fathom.

The Ideal say I do.......

In past years, teenagers in different areas in Nigeria were given out to marriage outside their will and as time went on, the outcome in most times was worse than that of a hard whip.
The best time teenagers can identify the variance between friendship and an ideal relationship is in
their teenage years.
As teenagers build up a bright and objective mind about the opposite sex, it is a sociable intensity to create a sound footage for their work at school games, competition and family alike.
This period you can identify your gratification, basic goals, and similar interest. 

In growing up as adolescents, never build a relationship based on sex.  Teenage attractions are most times based on fantasy and physical attributes. The major fact that you are bright, masculine busty pretty or sexy should only be an optional view to fathom for a date or a promising life partner. Do not nag or snap at every slightest provocation, start as friends, sharing virtually dreams and objectives that could build you two.
Never admit everything your date tells you and do not play a suspicious drama as this is a great detriment to trust and reckoning. It’s okay to check on him or her, but snitching on snippets from mobile phones, pings tweets emails, letters and nosy questions from family and friends can be a frustrating attempt to keep you at heart.
Guys, do not go all the way to please your gal all because you want her to share sheets with you in bed. On the long run, you both will be dissatisfied at pleasing each other’s needs. Just be you!
Do not play a demi- god in her life, like no one, could ever be as important as you to her, this is an intimidating expression of affection, it kills a woman’s innermost self-trust in your confidence.
Guys, do not always play the fine guy showcase, the blurred game of being unable to listen to her when she tells you she’s not ready for sex should not be adopted as you’d never get the best affection from her.  In the line of a godly path, when she is ready you’d have been fair to your conscience that you will be prepared to be her guest,of course in a virtuous manner,cos no woman wants to feel cheated simply because she wants the nuptial knot. Remember she is always and truly should be poised as a lady.

Guys are remarkable at their superlative kind of shopping, real men would prefer to shop themselves though with cognisance to fair recommendations, you being able to place your priority on your kind of gal does not ultimately point your actions to her as a prey for dictatorship, especially from family, it doesn’t have to be your way all the time. If you want to play sparkle disparity on your feelings on care; infatuation or love, you’d be able to make this kind of choices. Always be expressive about how you want her to be, ladies are fondly expressive when they get deeply involved, always tell her how you feel, as this is a moving momentum that builds relationship steadily.   Take time out to mingle with her family especially when you have identified with her weakness and strength, remember that you can never find a perfect woman, you can only create one in your gal. Let her know your friends especially the feminine ones, avoid cheating on her emotions, pick those traits which you perceive on your tall gal admirers and implant these skilled attributes with her, you’d discover that you  will be better off with her than any other. Pray fervently also and always listen to your heart. If you always feel warm and comfortable with her at odd scenes and situations in your life, then I can assure you that you are on the right aisle. Spend most times doing what you both like especially when it comes to building your ideas. Guys, please listen to this school of thought, you’d develop far attaining results to plan your future and home.
Ladies, guys love to be treated as babies, visit him often and be helpful especially at things that he is not so good at. Be a cover story in his life, he will not forget you quickly.
Do not be so quick to judge him as a formidable superman as he could just be a bundle of disappointment at many instances. Take time out to build your confidence in him and be very clear about your kind of lifestyle. Cheer him up with your most confident mode for attraction.
Being sneaky could be apparently a disgusting venture. Do take time out to carve out the best niche at getting him always to think about you.
Say beautiful and warm words and cuddles, speak his language and be a receptive aroma for his friends.

Always care seriously about things he cared less about, but are very significant to his life. Shed a tear when you want him to change a bad habit, buy him a very expensive underwear when you are certain you do not want to have sex. Play his favourite music and treat him as a special hero, he would in return be naturally involved with sharing relationship and deep secrets with you.
Ladies, sometimes you can take him out on a special date within your means, let him know that you can also be a spending spree in his life. Be an intellectual, tell him how best he can invest his money and always believe him even when you know that he is not saying the truth about matters.
Before you know it, he’d come crawling at all curves of your body just yearning for you to say ‘I do’.
Please only say I do... when you are really ready. 

A community engagement and public relations person, born on the 3rd of June, 1979, Julie is a motivational speaker with diverse skills in writing, reporting arts and humanities. Creativity is my lifestyle. I am focused and goal-oriented. My passion is to continually grow and instigate business innovations with a drive to solutions and business strategy. Author of African fiction novel Iye (Mother), Art Delight a contributor on Business Journal & Union newspapers, creative instigator on motivational articles, poems, and literary works. Business entrepreneur for eBooks subscription especially on literary writing. Dexterity with elements of the Microsoft Office Suite. Working knowledge in Telecommunications Marketing & Humanitarian Services. Innovative Expertise with Customer Service applications used in the Telecoms Industry. Professional Sales & Advertising practice in Media Planning, propagation and branding Initiatives. Julie is also an online publisher. 

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